Dancing the Wisdom of the Trees
Because we share many qualities embodied by trees,
we can experience what is now being revealed by science,
that Trees communicate on physical, emotional and
energetic levels, just as we do in our dancing circles.
Using the language of Sacred Circle Dance with its movement patterns, rhythms, steps and gestures,
in combination with meditative movement, we explore our profound connection with Trees.
We learn to recognize and embody the way the trees carry life energies, give, receive and nourish
all life on Earth. With our dancing, as we move together with shared intention and inner focus,
we bring these energies into our consciousness and into our movement. This carries us to a deep sense
of the sacred as we become deeply attuned with Community and Nature in the deepest sense of the words.
From stillness to movement, we dance and connect our inner experiences with outer expression. We take time
to explore both our personal and shared awarenesses and reflections through words or images, writing or art.
Participants are expected to spend time connecting with a tree of their choice before and during the workshop,
and perhaps thereafter.
Click here to view some collages I made from the participants' leaves left from the workshop in Quebec, Sept. 2018