Sacred Circle Dance Retreat ~ Cape Cod
September 13 - 18, 2020
with international teacher and choreographer,
Bobbi Bailin
and a wonderful community of dancers
Nobska Lighthouse in Woods Hole, MA

This dance vacation in the quaint seaside village of Woods Hole, MA offers
heartfelt healing dance embraced by beautiful beaches, vistas, clear waters,
and local color. This year we celebrate the life forces of our planet and over-
lighting Spirit with Wind on Waves and Sun on Sand. I teach favorite dances
from my travels along with new and well-loved choreographies. More activities
include an Alexander Technique session, Taize singing, Community sharings, live music, cabaret, and, conditions permitting.... dancing in the bay!

Dancing in the historic Community Hall
in the village of Woods Hole
⬅︎ Click video to watch dance session

“I think everyone appreciates very much that you invest deep thought and creative spirit in crafting your programs. Your sessions are a delight! “

“I had a wonderful time at the retreat!! I can't thank you enough.... The group was just the right size and so warm and friendly. We seemed to get to know each other immediately! Your teaching was outstanding! “
“I love your energy and the mix of joyous and deep. It's great to dance with you.”