about Bobbi

Bobbi Bailin is an internationally known dance facilitator and choreographer. Her well-loved choreographies to delightful World Music are joyful, healing, deeply connected to Nature and well-loved in many circles around the world.
She has taught in Europe, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, South Korea and around the US.
This will be her 8th dance retreat on Cape Cod.
Bobbi's teaching style is gentle, clear and peppered with a touch of humor. She encourages and guides us in exploring levels of depth and connection in the dance. She will teach her own special choreographies along with traditional dances and international gems from her travels. Her choice of World Music is utterly beautiful and inspiring.
“Bobbi approaches the dance with reverence and playfulness. She embodies and communicates the sacredness of the dance through her whole being.”
The Sacred Dance lives within this lady!
The best workshop we’ve ever done! ”
"Bobbi's choreography is of a vibration both unique and eloquent, ranging from highly spiritually evocative to utterly playful. As a teacher, her grace in dance and Alexander Technique weave into and through her circles, uplifting and aligning us, and bringing us deeply into our hearts."

More information on her website
You can contact her by email ~ Bobbibysea@gmail.com
"I feel a deep shift happening as a result of the workshop - it was deep and transformative for me. I am so inspired and feel a shift in how I facilitate going forward. I feel such a deep peace and new listening and am in stillness waiting to see what is birthed from this new place."